Those 4 words are the best way we know to introduce ourselves. The Porch is a unique ministry, specifically designed to disciple young men into mighty sons of God. We have been given a mission to create community that enables young men to grow in their faith in brotherhood alongside others who have a deep passion to live for the glory of Jesus. Our ministry is expressed both relationally and residentially by providing space for believers to live and interact in authentic relationships. We believe stewarding an environment that fosters a culture of transparency is vital to ministering to young adults in this generation. Our model of discipleship is patterned after the way Jesus related to His own followers in the Gospels. In other words, we are very much a "Come and see" ministry.
We invite you to explore our website on these pages, read and hear our story from the sons who have been raised up here, and partner with us in prayer and celebration of all the Lord is doing.